Sunday, August 19, 2012

Awkward Family Photo's...

 Okay, It's been awhile and instead of going through tons of what we have been up to blah, blah, blah I am just going to dive right in..

I have to say, I don't think we are TERRIBLE picture takers. We are all pretty photogenic we can smile and poise for a picture, smile.. Well this night was not our best family picture taking moments.. HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTICE SAM... HE IS ALWAYS CAMERA READY.. makes me laugh!!

Sam is all ready, Debbie put down you hand, Brock and Tay, LOOK at the Camera!!!

Sam is again all smiles and looking all GQ... I don't even know what to say about the rest of us!!!

Um what is happening at the bottom of this picture.. Taylor only has one leg, HOWEVER.. Sam knows that a nice hand on his hip will make him look slender and more photogenic.. Good Sam!!

OOOOO, so close. Brock OPEN YOUR EYES.. Looking Good Sammy!!!

Taylor, you look like you just farted, Brock is horrified at the smell and Cassidi is trying to smell it.. I am ready though!!!
Okay, We got it right here.. However we were missing Sam!!!

Here is to a better photo experience next time we try this!!! :-)