As I am looking at the long weekend in front of us and hearing everyone make “4th of July” plans I almost get giddy thinking about spending an extra day with my family.
Sam and I are not “rich” people. Yes we have a nice home, we have cars, we go on great trips, but we are not rich in the means of “money”. HOWEVER I believe I can’t possibly be more rich in the things that matter. In means of life or the things that really count. I wanted to share the things that I will celebrate this Independence Day..
• I live in a country of fearless men and woman that protect my freedom and sacrifice their own lives for the well being of mine and my neighbors and the generations to come. I truly wish I had that kind of courage.
• I live in a nation that since I have been alive I have watched it to start to transform into a more accepting nation. Every day we take down another brick in the wall that separate all of us. If it be.. Sexual preference, race, religion, demographics, financial class, or education. Each day I think we get a little bit closer to what I am sure our fore fathers had dreamed America would be and become. I know we have a long way to go but I am proud of the strides American’s have made in this fight.
• I have laundry that has to be washed, dishes that have to be done and floors that need to be vacuumed. I look at it in the way that I have all that stuff to do because I have a wonderful family that messes the house and their clothes up. I hurt for the mother that has lost their children and is wondering what to do with their time.
• I have a wonderful relationship with my husband that loves me UNCONDITIONALLY. I would not trade what I have with Sam for the biggest house on a remote beach in the South Pacific, or any tangible item. What Sam and I have will outlast any house, will weather any storm, and has made me truly the most blessed person on Earth. I hope all of you can find this kind of love at some point in your life.
• I have healthy kids and that right there is enough to be very humble!!!!! Not to say anything about them being wonderful and the other “3” loves of my life.
So as I go to this three day weekend hand and hand with Sam. I truly believe that even though my bank account balance does not have many zero’s on the end of it.. I truly am the “richest” person in America…
What are you guys celebrating this long weekend?