Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sam and Debbie play doctor!!

Not what you are thinking...

IM conversation between Sam and I..

Debbie says:
Hey you, they are going to call in different pain killers for Cassidi to Walgreens.
should I get some bandages when I go get them or do you want to?
Sammy says:
I can at lunch
on my way home
Debbie says:
so you can change her bandage when you come home for lunch? I will get sick if I change the bandages. should we get bandages or just BIG bandaids?
Sammy says:
lots of gauze im sure
Debbie says:
lets get those really big bandaids also.
Sammy says:
I think we should put some padding in there to protect it
Debbie says:
how would we stick the gauze?
Sammy says:
duct tape
Debbie says:
hot glue?
Sammy says:
Debbie says:
gorilla glue!
Sammy says:


Wendy said...


Anonymous said...

You can't GLUE bandages on!