Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Plantar Fasciitis!!

Sam has been hobbling around complaining about his foot hurting most of the summer. It was mostly in the mornings and then... he started to play softball, and NOW he can't walk.

We went to the Doctor and he told Sam he has bone spurs and gave him the name to a podiatrist and told him that he would not "hurt" his foot if he used it, that it would only hurt him. So...

Thursday night rolls around and Sam decides he is going to play softball. So he runs to his short stop position and I could tell after the first ball was hit that Sam was HURTING. So he plays the game limping the entire time and we get in the car and I said to him..

"how is your foot?"

Sam: "Dude, I heard a loud pop and then my entire foot went flush!"

So at this point (note. Sam has now struggled with the foot for MONTHS) he makes an appointment with the podiatrist. I knew it must be really bad if he was willing to go to the Dr. That is just a very novel idea *wink.

So over the next few days he iced it, limped, and stayed pretty much off of it. He goes to the dr. and find out that is Plantar Fasciitis. The "pop" he heard in his foot was his tendon tearing. The Doc said it is your body's way of making more room in your foot when it is as inflamed as Sam's is.
What do you do for Plantar Fasciitis...???

YOU STAY OFF IT... YOU BABY IT... AND if by next week it is not better.. They will put Sam in a Cast... Poor Sam is getting old!!

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