Friday, April 8, 2011


How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood!!!
How much wood could Brock and Debbie chuck if Brock and Debbie could chuck wood? the answer. NOT VERY DAMN MUCH.
For Spring Break Brock and I went and spent 2 nights in Idaho with my Dad and Sister and Brother. One morning I went over to my brothers Mikes to help him.
*side note. Something that I don't blog about much is that my brother, Mike, has terminal cancer. He has multiple myeloma and to put a long story short he is very very sick and has a hard time doing most things let alone chop wood.
So Mike can't really swing an ax right now and he needed some wood split to burn. Well Brock and I did about 20 pieces of woods and let me tell you it was so hard work and I have not been able to move for two days because I have been so sore!!! Brock and I had a FABULOUS time in Idaho with my family. I can't believe how much fun we had up there in the home of Napoleon Dynamite. Things we did.

  • toured a Mink Farm.

  • went to the hot pots.

  • played Mexican train. (my Dad won every game)

  • went to my sister's Michelle's

  • helped my brother Mike, (Brock even dusted)

  • sat in my Dad's truck while he got a speeding ticket.

  • ate to much

any way it was a fun different Spring Break for us and it was WONDERFUL to spend time with my family, however next time you chuck wood.... take advil!

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