Friday, February 6, 2009


Another Mexico story. Well we had been in Mexico a couple days. I woke up one morning and I had these bites ALL over my rear end. Not just one or two I am talking like 20 bites. They itch, they are kinda weepy, they are just gross. I showed Sam and complained about them ALL DAY LONG. Well the next morning I wake up and have them all down my legs. NOW I AM REALLY STRESSED. I am showing Sam they are itching like crazy. We go to the pool that day and I am sitting at the pool. Random people are stopping by saying. What are all those bites. Ya it was that bad.. BITES ALL OVER MY LEGS.

you can't really get a good idea but here is one of the bites I SHAVED off.. you can see a few bites on my ankle.

Now what happens next is the kicker.

Sam wakes up has about 4 bites on his ankle!!

Sam: "Debbie!!! Look I have some bites like yours"

Debbie: "you have like 4 bites.. SAM, I have 87 bites I counted them today!"



Sam: "YES!!! THEY ITCH!"

Debbie: "NO CRAP!!!!"

Okay... I am glad he was finally concerned....

They are healing quite nice!..


Sammy said...

haha... I am such a jerk. It didnt happen quite that way but dang does that sound bad.. lol I am glad you love me

Anonymous said...

OMG. What bit you? do you know?