Thursday, August 20, 2009

My "new" life....

I live a charmed life. I am aware of that. I have a husband that treats me like a Princess and treats my kids like his own. I grew up in a loving home with GREAT Parents and a fun and safe childhood. My children are healthy and get to enjoy all of the rights of passage each child experiences in their adventure to adulthood.. I live in a country that gives me freedom of almost EVERYTHING... My life is CHARMED... ITS EASY.... I AM BLESSED!!! I know that.
The last few weeks have been hard on me... HARD. I cry more than normal (a lot more). I am tired, I hurt, I am scared (more than anyone would ever know) and I sometimes don't feel connected to my surroundings. I know that is hard to explain but I feel non connected to my body at some points. It's a new strange place for me.
So, how do I deal with this? I am an optimist. Everyone that knows me at all knows I do NOT have a bad attitude about things in my life (AT ALL). In fact at some points in my life this has been a detriment to my life, always expecting the best, always seeing good in almost everything. It has gotten me in some trouble in life. But, that is how I am and I like me that way.
So I am dealing with my "new" life, my injury, my anxiety and being scared in about the same way. Thinking some where, some day we will laugh about this. We will say 'WE MADE IT THROUGH THIS" and we will say.. "IT WAS NOT THAT BAD". Until that day I am trying. I am trying to live "normal". I am trying not to bore my husband to death because he wants to live like we use to. I am trying to get my kids ready for school like every other mom and smile about it.
THIS IS ONE OF THE HARDEST THINGS I HAVE DONE... I am getting there.. I will do this day by day, doctor appointment by doctor appointment, and hour by hour...
I promise not to complain too much, go out as much as I feel like it, appreciate the tiny things in life and cherish every minute I feel like the "old Debbie".


Shawn said...

Hang in there, you have a great attitude. Keep it up!

Ann said...

This to shall pass. It will go by so fast and you will be patched and healed before you know it!