I am going to tell you this story because I think it is funny and when you are in a situation that I am in the only thing to do is LAUGH.. ha ha.. okay here I go..
See those cute pink sweats I have on. Those are the ones I had on during the "fall". Well I guess when you get knocked out like that you pee your pants. I guess it is normal and I am no different. I wet my pants, I did not remember wetting my pants (I don't remember anything) so when we were getting ready to go home from the hospital I was looking for my clothes. I said to Sam
Me: "What was I wearing when I came here"
Sam: "Those pink sweats"
Me: "Did they cut those off also?"
Sam: "NO"
Me: "Sam, Do you know where they are?"
Sam: "you wet your pants"
Me: "GREAT, When I fell"
Sam: "YES!!"
me: "Where are my pants?"
Sam; "I put them in your purse!"
ME... "WHEN!!!"
Sam: "When we got here.."
okay people.. Imagine what was goin on in my head. The pants I peed in 3 days ago has been in my purse in a ball for the last three days.... lol.. Made me laugh. A woman would never do that but a man would never think twice about it. They are clean and YES MY PURSE SMELT LIKE A DIAPER.. Its a very good thing I did not poop my pants, think of that in my purse for 3 days!! HA HA.. I love Sam...
I am not going to blog only negative things about my injury.. BUT I AM TODAY!!! HA. I just think the picture below is funny and wanted to share it. Here is why yesterday and this entire injury thing sucks!!!
- Spent the night in the hospital last night.. (Upside, they gave me a shot of morphine). I went because I had THE mother of headaches. Could not even sit up and the lights felt like bullets shooting through my head.
- I went on a 8 day vacation to my favorite place on Earth and did not have one cocktail!!!
- I broke off one of my teeth and knocked one out. Yeah. that is always great. I hate hate hate the dentist hate the dentist.. I HAVE A DENTIST APPOINTMENT TODAY AT 4:00 P.M..
- I Have not went to the bathroom in 9 days. Well I have went to the bathroom to urinate but I feel like a bloated heifer that has been in the hay field for 4 months.
any how I could go on and on today. I am on a PITTY POT. I will get off it.. Now where is Sam so he is forced to help me with something. The poor guy.. I can't do anything by myself and he has not complained about helping me once.
I am not sure if that finger is flipping me off or pointing at something.. lol you crack me up honey... I love you
I do not know you guys but I ran into your blog accidentially about 3 months ago. I read it faithfully and I am so sorry for you accident. I laughed at this story I even called my girlfriends and had them read this funny story. I thinks its great in the struggle of your life you can still laugh about it. MAZEL TOV, GIRLFRIEND!!
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