Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Poor Cass.... she lost some teeth this week

Hey Everyone. AGAIN, I have been neglecting my blogging duties. My apologies but Debbie does such an awesome job I just like to kick back and read... haha.

So last week Cass tells her mom that she has a tooth ache. About 5 days later she is in the operating room getting all 4 of her embedded wisdom teeth out..... lol All she could think about was the IV needle she was about to get poked with. Forget the drill, hammer, chisel and pliers sitting on the stainless steel tool plate....... all she could see was the needle that was about to pierce her vein. Well Debbie and I were in with her in the room that had the temperature set about about 10 below zero, we covered her in a blanket as she was breathing in the laughing gas. The doctor walked out and I kissed Cass on the forehead....... to get a good wif of the laughing gas... lol.... it didnt do any good but we were very tempted to take a snort while no one was looking. We didnt..... but anyway.... the doc comes in and finds a vein and proceeds to poke a hole and cass raises her knees like she was going to take him OUT....... the nurse holds her legs I hold her hand and it worked out great. Cass went nigh nigh in about 9 seconds.
We heard drilling like it was boring through steel my good lord. 30 minutes later the nurse comes and gets us. Cass is sitting in the back room waiting for us. As soon as she sees her mom she gets HUGE tears and through her muffled, cotton stuffed mouth so packed that only her tongue could move says "I ust ant oo ee u" and hugs her mom. Through out the 10 minutes back home she keeps saying "I ust ant oo ee u" and hugs her mom from the back seat. Debbie is kinda laughing at her and suddenly starts to get sick to her stomach. I guess seeing her kid high on drugs and hurting got to her. We get into the grocery store parking lot and Debbie runs inside to get some soft food for Cass. 10 minutes later and Cass said..... "I dont remember how we got here"
Late on that night we needed to run to Target for some things and Cass wanted to go. As soon as we walked in the door, Debbie decorated Cass with a hat and put her in a seat on the push cart..... people looked at us funny for some reason. As you can see from the picture.... she looks a bit mentally challenged.

Anyway... I thought I would share that story and embarrass Cassidi a bit lol Do you still love me Cass? :)


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you guys are not my parents. How mean.

Anonymous said...

What a great family you guys are. How fun. Never a dull moment. EVER!

Anonymous said...

ha of course i still love you sam im the one that wanted to go with you guys.. lol