Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I am driving through Wyoming for a couple of days to open a new store in Wheatland Wyoming and I got a real treat. I was able to stop and buy my daughter Sarah a birthday dinner tonight in Laramie. She is going to college here and just started back up yesterday. Hangovers on the second day of school isnt the best thing but... you go girl. She is working hard to get her Masters in Elementary and Special Education.
Her and her friend Morgan got a 2 bedroom apartment this year and are having the time of their lives already. They are both so happy and having so much fun. Good for them.
I am proud of you Sarah. Keep up the great work and great phun!!!! I love you.
(check out the liquor bottles above my head on the top pic.. lol... ah college life)


DEBBIE said...

Happy Happy Birthday Sarah Dear!!!!

Sam come home!!!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that say she is 20??? 20???? I am sure NONE of us EVER drank before we were 21. EVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so sweet!
I just saw the site and i love what you have done with it. I am so happy for the both of you and i cant wait to meet you Debbie! It is unbelievably encouraging to me to see that two people really can be happy together! I really hope that one day i can find that happiness. Thank you for the birthday wishes, and thank you so much dad for making my birthday special. Cant wait to meet the rest of my new family! Love to all!
