Thursday, August 21, 2008


Everyone knows I have 2 teenage daughters… Well if Cassidi (16 years old) was going to write me a letter… It would kinda go like this……

Dear Mom;

I know I have been spending every waking minute with my new boyfriend……. Beau!! I am like TOTALLY crazy about him. He is CUTE (He kinda looks like Ken… ya know as in like…. BARBIE AND KEN). He has his own car, and guess what MOM…. He has friends that are graduated and they live in like their own apartment and we can go over there any time we want and like just hang out. It is so cool that we don’t even have to bother any parents!!!!!

I hope you are not worried like AT ALL that we have been cuddling on the couch and can’t seem to keep our hands off of each other. BUT MOM.. SERIOUSLY THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!! I love the way he like kisses my forehead and when we like cuddle I get the BIGGEST Butterflies EVER… and he is such a great kisser.... YUMMY!!!!

He is my Sam mom… I like have never been so totally into someone EVER….

Don’t like worry at all….

Love ya.. TATA for NOW…


P.S. Hey I will be LIKE an hour late tonight because Beau and I have not spent like enough time together…..

YEP… Welcome to my life….


Sammy said...

haha oh man Cass is going to get you for that one I am sure... I cant wait to see her reaction

Anonymous said...

O dear God.... like daughter.

Anonymous said...

haha i agree with jan! mother like daughter....